Welcome Message
Welcome to Shahabuddin Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh. This is one of the best Private Medical College in Dhaka, Bangladesh and situated at most prestigious, secured and diplomatic Area of the capital city of Bangladesh as well as heart of the Dhaka City . It has very fabulous built college buildings in its own land of 12 storied building having 2,40,000 sft. It was established in 2003 (Current / temporary Campus), fulfilling all the guidelines and criteria set up by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council and University of Dhaka. The government has been pleased to give permission for admission of 90 students per year MBBs course for every session.
The Shahabuddin Medical College is also enlistment of Medical College is the world directory of medical schools and International Medical Education Directory ( IMED) required applying for USMLE examination by ECFMG USA for job/post graduate training USA & North American countries. It has 500 bedded running Hospital with outdoor & senior facilities and always busy with patients. Academic faculty is much enriched with senior renowned Professors and also energetic dedicated junior and mid level teachers. It has very good hostel facilities for both local and overseas students are available. Library with all recommended Text books, Reference books, Journals including International ones are provided. Internet facilities are also available. Extra academic cultural activities, games and sports facilities are there. Forty percent (45%) seats are available for foreign students.
At present foreign students are already studying in our college from different countries like Nepal, India & Kashmir. They are very much happy with existing congenial and academic environment of the College & Hospital.
Application are invited for admission into 1st year MBBS for the academic session 2023-2024 in Shahabuddin Medical College under Dhaka University.

The Founder
Mr. Mohammed Shahabuddin is a renowned reputed and an eminent businessman with high credentiality and preserves the highest level of commitment towards social reforms and in alleviating sufferings of humanity.
Mr. Mohammed Shahabuddin subsequently completed his education with dignity and honor from national university. During his student life he observed with deep empathy that the village people, mostly of under privileged community were suffering from lot of distress, disease and deprivation, which virtually insisted him to do something for those huge uncared population of the country. He believes that goal and excellence can be achieved by not only money and materials but also requires skill human resources.Read More

The Founder
Hon’ble Chairman
Shahabuddin Medical College
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Recognized By

Alhaj Mohammad Sahabuddin, Founder and Chairman of Sahabuddin Medical College Hospital was awarded as Covid Hero by BPMCA for his contribution in Corona treatment.